Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pseudointellectual Dreck

I am watching History International and I learned the following:

1) The Nag Hammadi writings portray Mary Magdalene as a sort of proto-feminist heroine because she spoke up against St. Peter, who said Jesus would never teach such knowledge to a woman.

2) A modern scholar can read the minds of e.g. St. Athanasius and state with a straight face that he wanted to suppress gnosticism because he felt threatened by the gospel of finding God from self reflection. As everyone knows, salvation extra nos cannot possibly be true, because we are the center of everything and have divinity within us.

3) The Madonna and child imagery is just taken from Egyptian mythology--apparently no one ever thought to portray a mother and child without referencing Egyptian mythology.

4) Christians apparently didn't have a single new idea--everything was pinched from the pagans in the neighborhood.

5) Muslim conquerors were humane compared to others, especially the notoriously viscous Byzantines.

Itching ears, indeed.

Come to think of it, I suppose liberal Christianity does indeed have ancient roots.


Steve Martin said...

Twisting the truth might make it into the Olympics one of these days.

Or is it more of an art, rather than a sport?

Lucian said...

3) The Madonna and child imagery is just taken from Egyptian mythology--apparently no one ever thought to portray a mother and child without referencing Egyptian mythology.

Tell it to this guy...

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